About your medical tools
Chinese medicine is an internal logical holistic system
based on balance and prevention.
The aim of traditional Chinese medicine is to rebalance Yin and Yang.
To restore harmony on the universal scale of all things

Tai Chi Chuan is a self healing process.
Healing yourself is the same thing as defending yourself.
The aim of Tai Chi Chuan is to rebalance Yin and Yang.
To restore harmony on the universal scale of all things.

If it is given the chance the human body has the ability to defend itself.
Tai Chi Chuan accelerates natural healing processes and boosts immune function.
Gigong (Chi Kung) is your very powerful extra medical tool.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine all diseases are qi stagnation related.
The liver is responsible for free flowing qi.
wind is the most important cause of disease (sick qi).
In traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are 6 different sick chi (binqi).
All of them are related on fire, heat, dryness, damp, cold or wind.
8 DIRECTIONS: (for example 'wind binqi'):
Stormy wind binqi: small intestine related.
Strong wind binqi: kidneys related.
Soft wind binqi: liver related. Gentle breeze: stomach related.
Brutal wind: large intestine related. Week wind: hart related.
Dangerous wind: spleen related. Vigorous wind: lung related.
"A crisis is an opportunity riding on dangerous wind" (*spleen related).
(Chinese proverb)
In nature the wind blows where it will.
All winds, from hurricanes to a gentle breeze are caused
by a difference in the temperature in the atmosphere,
by rotation of the earth.
Air above hot areas expands and rises.
Air from cooler areas flow in to, replace the heated air.
Well then, In TCM 'wind governs the hundred diseases'.
You will get all wind directions at all scales.
It’s impossible to live in perfect harmony,
each moment of each day, with a sense of joy, love and peacefulness.
That's impossible.
All internal Chinese martial arts use the hexagrams
(6 changes) in 8 directions.
Your Tai Chi study has no end.
Healing each other has two aspects :
The emphasis in two-person sets is on being able
to channel potentially destructive or sick making energy in a manner that
will dissipate the energy, or send it in a direction where it is no longer a danger.
But everything has an equal and an opposite.
At the same time Tai Chi principles are developed in terms of
being sensitive and responsive to another person's energy.
Two person sets can be great chi exchanging and healing excercises.

Tai Chi Chuan is a self healing process.
Gigong, tuina, acupuncture etc are extra- tools.
Simply by virtue of your presence in the world you have access to chi(qi).

As long as the qi flows freely we are healthy.
When the qi is stagnant (bin qi) we are sick.
This little treatment focuses on supporting the functions of the lungs
with the goal of boosting the body's inherent immune system.
We are all transferring energy to each other, to the animals, and to the trees.
To the sea. Transferring energy is a simple and a very normal thing.
The problems come when we try to do it for a specific reason.
Most people try to use their brain and nothing happens.
You must transfer energy on a chi level.
If your body is conscious and stiff, if your brain is stiff,
your muscles are stiff you can't transfer energy.
You must make your body weak and empty, you must move the chi not the mind.
It's not only for the healing part but for self defence as well.
Chi transferring is a very simple thing, we don't like to waste energy.
Erle Montaigue
In advanced Tai Chi Chuan as well as in Chinese medicine we use a complex term: 'connectivity'.
Many diseases are not a problem of a single cell. They are an entire tissue,
they are an entire system, or even many other systems connecting with this system.
Network connectivity:
Connectivity is the measure of the extent to which the components (modes) of a network (system) are connected to one another.
Medical network connectivity:
Connectivity is the quality and the ease (speed) to which organs can converse to one another.
Body/mind connectivity is the quality and the ease to which body and mind can 'converse' to one another.
Chinese medicine and Tai Chi Chuan can monitor the quality of the connectivity of our natural network.
They can deliver optimal performance for 'the customer'.